Since launching the site a few weeks back, we have been submitting it to CSS gallery websites as a link building exercise as well as to drive traffic towards the site. The outcome has been overwhelming and has brought up to 1000 hits a day - more than the previous version of Nuemedia. We have been featured on over 50 Gallery site as well as winning a Site of the day from
Posts tagged CSS
I remember when I started learning how to program I would scour the interwebs looking for new effects or techniques I had never seen before. When I found a site that had one of the these I would meticulously dissect all the code to understand how it worked and try to replicate it. I remember one of the first sites that blew me away was the original DHTML interface at 13thparallel (we’re talking years and years ago). Up until then I had no idea of the power and things you could with JavaScript.